4 decembrie 2012

The legend of Mures and Olt

Hello my dear readers! Because today I want to present something special and general theme is geography, I thought to say an old legend, the legend of the Mures and Olt.
This story happened very, very long ago, at a time when yet walked on earth to do evil all the many beasts. When living on our land, on top of huge mountanins an old man called . He sits there day and night in a tower, to be sure nothing wrong will happens in the country. For that princes and kings surrounding honored him and cherished him. Whenever there is any danger, he anounce the kings and fight the enemy himself.
Hasmas, burdened with years, no longer looks as sharp as it once was. But he had two strong sons near him, Mures and Olt.
-My children, told the old man, I'm going to ask you something.
-Speak, father! One of his sons sad.
- Always be good brothers and not separated forever to be eyes for country and branches that can defend. One who will break vows bad would happen to him.
He took the old broadsword or afraid to break in two and gave each child one piece. Was enchanted sword, the enemy will be hit with it will be stone.
After a while came the news that the earth burst country's enemies. Mures looked toward the north and dusk, and Olt eastward. There were some strong enmity - ogres that some stallions gone on higher than mountains. Olt fought two days and three nights and eventually came out winners.
Seeing how strong they were, the chief ogre, Harghita, thought how to separate them. Sent two messengers to the two brave, asking them for one of them to come to battle with ogres captain. One of them will win will remain king over the land of another. The brothers could not decide which to go to his father and does not violate promise to break.
Ogre deceived by Caliman which lies north dressed in coats and more resembling Captain ogre, Mures go to battle with him. Same goes to the south by Puciosul Olt, believing that it is the chief ogre.
Moving away from each other, the brothers made their vow memories and trying to return. But being surrounded by ogres and wounded barely managed to return to their father Hasmas and to ask forgiveness. Then they both died. Their blood turned into two rivers Olt.
Hasmasul, upset, took three boulders which struck the three ogres who turned in the mountains: Harghita, Caliman and Puciosul.
Hasmasul hardened pain he there with his hands on the head of two sons, Mures and Olt.
I expect you tomorrow on the blog! God bless you!

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